Welcome to lisawilliamson.org!
At the age of 13, a tornado plowed through my little hometown leaving destruction and poetic words swirling in my head. My poem about the tornado landed in the local newspaper. The dream of being a writer landed in my heart.
Penning articles for my high school newspaper, and working part-time at the local newspaper after school just added fuel to the fire to continue writing. After college, and grad school, life took over. Writing became covered with toys, diapers, and burned dinners. I turned to writing my Sunday School lessons. journaling for my three children, including silly poems for their birthdays, and directional poems for their Christmas scavenger hunts. Helping my elementary and middle school students grow as young writers became the highlight of my teaching career.
My Jordan Stories will bring a smile your way as they capture the heart and humor of our thirty-three-year-old son with Down Syndrome and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension! Sea Glass Stories will beckon you to draw you a little closer to the Writer of every life story, our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Please follow them both on Instagram at jordan_stories and seaglass_stories .
My husband, Doug, and I live in Birmingham, Alabama with our son Jordan, and a crazy Irish doodle named Rosie. Keep in mind that my writing is just like me, a chunk of broken sea glass still in need of polishing while navigating through the turbulent writing waters.
Thank you,